Burning Board 4.1 and our styles

  • To state it in advance, there are two persons in this, there are styles by @Cr@@gle and there are styles by @Tom. If Tom is writing something like this article, then this applies primarily to his styles. These are the ones you can see here:

    Status Anpassungen der Stile an Burning Board 4.1

    And now let's take a look at the most important aspects:

    1. All my styles are not working properly in Burning Board 4.1

    Since virtually every style provides templates, these need to be updated.

    2. When will the new versions be released?

    On the weekend at the latest, new versions of Tom's styles will be released, which you can download then in the customer's account.

    3. Can I already update on Burning Board 4.1?

    Yes, you can, but as already mentioned the styles will not work. Thus, until then you need to use a different style.