Style updates for WoltLab Suite 6.0

  • Discussion of article Style updates for WoltLab Suite 6.0:

    It took some time, but now all styles are also available in a version for WoltLab Suite 6.0 and can be obtained from the customer account.

    Deine Anfrage wurde nicht beantwortet? Dann bitte einfach noch mal kurz im Thema nachfragen.

    Mein Blog: TwentyMag <- Lesen, Teilen, Liken, Kommentieren, Abonnieren. Ihr wisst bescheid, was labere ich hier groß rum :eyes:

  • So what will happen to the licenses we receive? ?

    Core - WoltLab®
    Core, the extravagant community design for your WoltLab Suite, drawing attention to your forum by means of interesting effects and subtle textures.

    Base - WoltLab®
    Base, the elegant community design for your WoltLab Suite, drawing attention to your forum via subtle effects.

    Nova - WoltLab®
    Nova, the resoundingly impressive community design for your WoltLab Suite, distributing elegance and novelty and thus, causing your forum to be in vogue.

    I bought them all, they are on your website, not in the woltlab store.

    • Official Post

    Nothing will happen. If you have bought a style here then you can download it here or install it via the package server.

    Deine Anfrage wurde nicht beantwortet? Dann bitte einfach noch mal kurz im Thema nachfragen.

    Mein Blog: TwentyMag <- Lesen, Teilen, Liken, Kommentieren, Abonnieren. Ihr wisst bescheid, was labere ich hier groß rum :eyes: