Liste Fake Mail Schutz für das wbb

  • its a real stupid list, why purpose this shit ?

    an example,, do you know what is ? it's just one of the biggest French ISP.

    this list block so many regular mail, i don't recommand to use it !

  • Calm down, LuFo :D

    I personally don't recommend any e-mail block list. Most big providers are also providing trash e-mails (i.e. Yahoo or GMX). Using such lists just slows down the forum, because of additional (and useless) checks. The only exception (but still no reason to use this function) are real trash mail providers (i.e.,,, etc.). But as i said... That won't help much.

  • Calm down, LuFo :D

    I personally don't recommend any e-mail block list. Most big providers are also providing trash e-mails (i.e. Yahoo or GMX). Using such lists just slows down the forum, because of additional (and useless) checks. The only exception (but still no reason to use this function) are real trash mail providers (i.e.,,, etc.). But as i said... That won't help much.

    I agree totally

    And i'm not angry :P but I don't understand why offer a list with many good provider, like Yahoo or some European ISP. It's best to use some plugin like yours (i use honeypot, and i've no more problem with bots, thank you :D)

  • A plugin can't stop human spammers, except their data (ip, email) is listed in an anti spam database. Even this list does nothing, except blocking legit registrations. If a spammer want's to piss you off, he will find a way.