Beiträge von LuFo

    i've look, and i've find three :

    {if $unreadThreadsCount.$boardID|isset} <span>{#$unreadThreadsCount.$boardID}</span>{/if}

    how i modify the code, i add the " > 1" at the place of " |isset " or after ?

    {if $unreadThreadsCount.$boardID|isset > 1} <span>{#$unreadThreadsCount.$boardID}</span>{/if}


    {if $unreadThreadsCount.$boardID > 1} <span>{#$unreadThreadsCount.$boardID}</span>{/if}

    great it's perfect, thank you :D

    now i wait for buy it ^^

    no in fact i want say, is it possible to have two word possible, "nouveau" for just 1 new thread/message, and "nouveaux" for more than 1 new thread/message.

    Because i know in general the change of word if possible in phrase variable by adding {if $xxxxx > 1}s{/if} by exemple. but i think your word is just added in the template, so i'm not sure it's possible to have the two possibilities.

    I have a technic question.

    In the style, when there is new threads or reponses, a green "x neu" appear. In french, 1 new its "1 nouveau" and more it's "x nouveaux" (we add a x at the end of word). Do you think it's possible to have the two possibilities or not ?