BlackOps - the dramatical-expressive design that isn't made for everyone, but will please any owner. The suggestive power of this style lies in the two contrasting colors, which include the background and the containerHeads as well as the userpanel. Black meets an emphasized glaring contrast, resulting in a dazzling combination that displays a fluorescent effect.
The lightbox effect within the navigation causes another radiance, analogously seen for the active hoover around the small buttons such as "Unread topics". The design has a variable width and individual adjustments, like for the desired logo, can be easily carried out by newbies. Subtle drop shadows along the fringe and the minimum rounding of the edges refer to the modern character and thus, allow "BlackOps" to take up its usage in a versatile way.
Anyone appreciating a touch of drama, the trace of flamboyance and the atmospheric density of a computer game, will find a visual equivalent in this design.
Replaceable background
Customizable header height
Adaptation to mobile devices
Animated 'glow' effect
Subtle patterns
BlackOps 6.0.0
- Jan 3rd 2024
- 2.68 MB
WoltLab Suite 6.0
BlackOps 5.6.0
- Jul 18th 2022
- 3.88 MB
WoltLab Suite 5.5
BlackOps 5.5.2
- Nov 4th 2021
- 3.11 MB
Funktionsupdate -
BlackOps 5.4.0
- Jul 28th 2021
- 1.97 MB
WoltLab Suite 5.4 -
BlackOps 5.2.0
- Dec 24th 2019
- 1.88 MB
WoltLab Suite 5.2 -
BlackOps 3.1.3
- Dec 18th 2019
- 1.88 MB
Bugfixes -
BlackOps 3.0.1
- Jun 4th 2017
- 1.92 MB
WoltLab Suite 3.0