
Colorplay, the simple but impressive community design for your Burning Board 4, which turns your forum into a style icon by means of stylistic highlights and understatement.

Colorplay - the simple design whose elegance reveals itself in the second look. Not only the first but also the second look is worthwhile in this style because it reveals artistic understatement. The background hatch recalls an ingrain denim fabric, which subtly emphasizes the diagonal beams hatching in the header and in the containerHeads.

The lateral border via shadow suggests a sculptural effect, while the aspect of the rays can be found throughout the active hoover for the main menu and the lightbox effect in the search panel. Two innovative elements can be detected in the integrated individual forums' icons and the tab form of the navigation, reminding one of the mathematical superellipse.

Simple needn't be plain, but it can impress ipso facto that the viewer isn't distracted, but decently attracted. Selected details underline the appropriate value and convey to the viewer that here the highlight has to be discovered, it doesn't give itself away. However, who seeks, shall find...


  • Colorplay
    EUR 19.90


  • Update access
    EUR 9.90
  • Installation Service
    EUR 14.90
  • Branding Free Licence
    EUR 24.90
  • Expansion Package
    EUR 9.90

Price excluding sales tax

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Replaceable background

The appearance of the style can be changed easily with an own background.

Customizable header height

The header can be adjusted as desired.

Adaptation to mobile devices

All of our styles are adapted to mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets.
  • Colorplay 6.0.1

    WoltLab Suite 6.1

  • Colorplay 6.0.0

    WoltLab Suite 6.0

  • Colorplay 5.6.0

    WoltLab Suite 5.5

  • Colorplay 5.4.0

    WoltLab Suite 5.4
  • Colorplay 5.2.0

    WoltLab Suite 5.2